The Social Impact of Gambling


Gambling binges have both financial and emotional consequences. When a person has a gambling problem, they can’t stop and it begins to impact many aspects of their life. Gambling therapy can help a person stop their bad gambling habits, either through behavior therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy. The former focuses on reducing the urge to gamble, while the latter teaches the person how to think differently about gambling. These therapies are usually referred to as cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT.

Problem gamblers develop after legalized gambling

The Problem Gambling Network of Ohio estimates that nearly one in four adult gamblers is addicted to sports betting. Many of these gamblers do not even realize they have a gambling problem until it is too late. One of these problem gamblers, Brian Borcziak, calls himself a “recovering” problem gambler. He keeps a silver coin he won from a Gamblers Anonymous meeting from 2016 and a player’s card from the casino he once frequented.

They hurt their families

A study by the Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) found that families affected by problem gambling suffered financial pressure, a lack of trust, and a lack of communication. These unhealthy feelings often result in relationship breakdown, and the stress associated with the addictive behavior can lead to physical and emotional abuse. In addition, relationship issues suffered by problem gamblers were reported by the Problem Gambling Association. It was reported that these individuals were six times more likely to get divorced than non-gamblers.

They damage society

Many studies on the social impacts of gambling have been largely silent on the social costs and benefits of gambling. While economic costs and benefits are widely recognized, the social impact is not measured. Instead, researchers have used the term’social cost’ to refer to costs that are not monetary, but instead affect society as a whole. For example, social costs refer to the costs and benefits that individuals and communities experience because of gambling.